Sunday 11 June 2017

Taking a break


Sometimes we just need to take a break from social media. I don't know what has spurred mine on really. Whether it's because I've gone back to work and I'm a bit sad, or whether I've been really poorly with a nasty chest infection, or whether I'm just bored with it all. 

All I know is I'm a bit down in the dumps at the moment, and all I want to do is be at home with my daughter, helping her grow.


I know it's not for long, in fact I think I'm going to leave at the beginning of September now rather than middle. I got a particularly shitty email off a colleague on Friday (shouldn't have read it as I don't work Fridays) but all I was doing was trying to help and carry on the job of a lady in my team who has just left to go on mat leave funnily enough. It made me think Is it all worth it? Do I really need this crap in my life? There are far more importnant things (like my two daughters) 

Whatever it is that's made me take a break, I'll be back I'm sure, I just need to concentrate on me and my growing family. 


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